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         Crow Haven Scripts Awards


"Witch Child? " (Part 1 in a trilogy) received an award from The 78th Annual Writer's Digest Writing Competition


"Witch Child? The Legacy" (Part 2 in a  trilogy) received an award from The 79th Annual Writer's Digest Writing Competition.


"The Award Winning Hookers Club" received an award from The 80th Annual Writer's Digest Writing Competition & advanced to Round Two of The PAGE International Screenwriting Awards Competition.


"The Laughing Dog" (available soon) received an award from The 80th Annual Writer's Digest Writing Competition.


"Through Their Eyes" received an award from The 78th Annual Writer's Digest Writing Competition.  


I have 2 co writing credits on IMDb for "Destiny's Children" and "Lost Through the Eyes" with Rick McLeod / Celtic Storm Films.

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